“Nazis versus Democracy” – Film project of the Youth-Office Burghausen

What happened when, where, how, and what is happening again today?
Where was/is resistance?
What about the victims and perpetrators of the past and those of today?
How strong is/are our democracy/democracies of today?

With these and other questions deals youth in the age range 15 to 23, within their film project “Nazis versus democracy – a continuity”.

For their journey to different historical places and Concentration Camps, they will establish contact with youth groups, alliances for action, contemporary witnesses as well as local partners and take care about financial planning and public relations.

In cooperation with staff members of the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer, the group will follow a full program during their one week stay in Oświęcim.

This includes study-tours in the Memorials and investigation work in the archives, as well as a meeting with a former prisoner and a meeting with youth, and doing voluntary service in Oświęcim.