Auschwitz as a Place of Obligation for Christian Ethics

Following a trip to Auschwitz, Rabbi Goldberger heard from one of the visitors: “We were in Auschwitz,” he replied: “You and I were not in Auschwitz. My mother was in Auschwitz. We only visited Auschwitz.”

By Bernhard Sill
In March 2007 a group of students from the faculty of Religious Education at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt visited Auschwitz for the first time. The group consisted of participants from the Bernhard Sill seminar, Auschwitz as a Place of Obligation for Christian Ethics. In subsequent years, Professor Sill organized similar seminars in Auschwitz. In 2019 he will bring the next group of students. The seminar title refers to the place name, which enforces like no other, questions related to ethics.