June 29, 2006 - July 1, 2006
We offer the occasion to visit Auschwitz and Krakow
The Memorial Place can be visited on all days. Religious Jews however won’t visit Auschwitz on a Shabbat; this is why we offer our program on Friday. Accommodation is in the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Oswiecim.
Thursday 29.06.2006
Friday 30.06.
9-16 Study tour of Memorial and Museum Auschwitz and Birkenau (6 hours)
During break lunch
17 lecture and discussion about the work of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum
19 dinner
20 lecture and discussion about the work of the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer at Auschwitz
Saturday 01.07.
Time for further visit of the Memorial, of the city of Oswiecim and vicinity, for reflection, prayer etc.
Program in the Centre from 29.06.06 dinner to 01.07.06 breakfast all included: 85,- EUR (ca 315,- PLN)
Each further night: bed and breakfast: 88,- PLN (ca. 24,- EUR); full board: 120,- PLN (ca. 33,- EUR).
You may pay in cash or by card.
If wished we arrange transport to Krakow (ca. 65 km), a good guided tour in Krakow (Old City and Kazimierz) and overnight accommodation. You may easily stay accommodated in our Centre and make a day trip to Krakow.
Please register until 31.05.2006 (p.t.o.)
The Travel to Oświęcim and to Vienna please organize on your own.
The nearest airports are Krakow and Katowice.
Twice a day there are direct flights from Krakow to Vienna.
There are daily train connections from Krakow over Oswiecim/Auschwitz to Vienna:
Day: Krakow Glowny dep. 13:30; Oswiecim dep. 14:33; Wien Südbahnhof arr. 19:28
Night: Krakow Glowny dep. 22:41; Oswiecim dep. 23:55; Wien Südbahnhof arr. 06:03
If there are questions, don’t hesitate to ask us.
With best greetings and a cordial invitation
Fr. Manfred Deselaers Fr. Jan Nowak
Please send back until 31.05.2006 to:
Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Auschwitz
ul. M.Kolbego 1, PL – 32-602 Oświęcim
Email.: biuro@centrum-dialogu.oswiecim.pl
Fax.: 0048 33 8431001
Hereby I register to the seminar in Oświęcim from 29.06 to 01.07.2006:
Name, First name:
Address – office ___ private ___
Code, City:
I ask for vegetarian meals: yes ___ no ___
I would like a single room: ___ double room: ___
I agree with copying a list of participants containing my upper address and telephone number
yes ___ no ___
The conference fee of 85 EUR will be transferred before 31.05.2005 to the following account:
Centrum Dialogu i Modlitwy, ul.Kolbego 1, 32-602 Oświęcim
Bank: BPH PBK S.A. O/OSWIECIM, ul. Jagiełły 12, 32-600 Oświęcim
IBAN: PL25 1060 0076 0000 3200 0036 3326
Only with this transfer the registration is binding. In case of later cancellation the reversal costs are like the registration fees, if no other participant can be found to this place.
Wishes concerning the seminar or other remarks:
Place, Date, Signature: