Kiel is the capital of the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein on the Baltic Sea.
The Freie Waldorfschule Kiel, has about 1000 pupils from the 1st to 13th classes.
In the school year 2016/17, students of the two twelfth classes had an opportunity as volunteers in the history circle to deal with the topic of the Holocaust.

The outcome of these activities is now a journey to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial site for which the group will be carefully prepared.

Each person prepares a presentation and presents a biography of a victim or perpetrator.

The first two days in Poland, will be spent in Krakow, where the group will learn about Jewish culture and life, the Jewish district, the area of the former Podgórze Ghetto and the former Płaszów camp.

The next three days will be spent in Oświęcim where they will learn about the history and life of the Jewish community in the pre-war city and visit the former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.
A detailed treatment of the experiences will take place in Oświęcim and later in Kiel.

At the end of the project, the group will share their travel experiences at a public event at school.