May 9, 2006
„As a child of the Jewish people
who, by the grace of God, for the past eleven years
has also been a child of the Catholic Church,
I dare to speak to the Father of Christianity
about that which oppresses millions of Germans”
Seminar about Edith Stein
in the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer at Auschwitz
9th of May 2006
honorary patronate by bishop Tadeusz Rakoczy
10.00 Wacław Długoborski, Evolution of attitudes and the political activity of Edith Stein in the years 1918-1922
11.00 Anna Grzegorczyk, Significance of Edith Stein for the contemporary philosophy
12.00 Coffee break
12.30 Marian Zawada, Significance of Edith Stein for the contemporary spirituality
13.30 Lunch break
15.00 Stanisław Krajewski, Edith Stein from the Jewish perspective
15.40 Romuald Jakob Weksler-Waszkinel, Edith Stein as a challange
16.20 Manfred Deselaers, Edith Stein and the responsibility of the Church
17.00 Discussion
18.00 Holy Mass in the Carmelite Convent “For brotherhood among nations and the world peace”
Rev. Prof. Dr. hab. Ł. Kamykowski, Institute for Ecumenism and Dialogue of the Papal Theological Academy in Krakow
Rev. Dr Manfred Deselaers, Centre for Dialogue and Prayer at Auschwitz
Prof. Włacław Długoborski, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
Prof. Anna Grzegorczyk, Edith Stein Research Centre in Poznan
Dr hab. Stanisław Krajewski, Polish Council of Christians and Jews
Rev. Dr Jakob Romuald Weksler-Waszkinel, Catholic University in Lublin
Fr. Dr Marian Zawada OCD, Edith Stein Spiritual Culture Centre in Cracow
Organized by:
The Centre for Dialogue and Prayer at Auschwitz
The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oswiecim
The Cracow Province of the Carmelite Order
Conference language: Polish
Attached text:
Stanisław Krajewski – The Edith Stein Case