Biographical Tracing – A journey from Oberhausen (Germany) to the Memorials of Buchenwald and Auschwitz

With this topic “Jugenclub Courage” will organize a study-project for young adults between the ages of 16 and 27 from Oberhausen and surrounding areas.

This youth-club sees itself as a youth initiative for peace, and was founded in 1985 out of the peace movement. The basic idea is to give youth the opportunity to deal actively with the topics of peace, international understanding and racism/fascism, by offering them many different projects which are organized independently by the adolescents.

The main emphasis is on research of the biographies of chosen citizens from Oberhausen; when their period of suffering began; their arrest for different reasons; transport to Buchenwald camp; and deportation to the extermination Auschwitz- Birkenau camp.

The project gives the participants the history of Nazi terrorism and the system of the concentration and extermination camps, based on the biographies and concrete names of persons from their home town.

As a biographical tracing the journey leads chronologically from Oberhausen via Buchenwald to Auschwitz-Birkenau.