Study Visit for students from IONA College, New York

Continuing her tradition of returning to Auschwitz for a week’s Study Tour programme is Prof. Dr Elena Procario-Foley and her students from Iona College, New York. Dr Procario-Foley’s programme has developed over the years and now includes guided study visits to Auschwitz-Birkenau, a series of lectures and workshops in the Museum, the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer, and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. A meeting with a survivor is arranged. Time is spent in the town of Oswiecim and Jewish Centre, at the art exhibition of Marian Kolodziej in Harmeze, and in Wadowice the home town of Pope St John Paul II. The group also participate in Beit Cracow’s Erev Shabbat Service. The full week is a Study Abroad course and contributes to the students’ degree programme. Dr Procario-Foley is the Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies and Associate professor of Religious Studies at Iona College New York. She is well known in the US for her contributions to Christian-Jewish Dialogue.