June 3, 2019 - June 8, 2019
The W.E. Witnessing-in-Empathy group is led by the international and online spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl. He has been organizing journeys to Auschwitz for five years for members of his groups and online courses. Over the years the topic of collective trauma has come to the fore.
With the approaching visit to Auschwitz, participants begin the entry into feeling and witnessing – as honestly as possible. We all “know” a lot about the Holocaust, but when it comes to emotions, our systems close down on the unimaginable and unspeakable horror. In Auschwitz we try to remain present despite the emotional closing. The participants devote themselves to what happened with whatever energy and emotions that arise. Over time, we try to reopen – for tears, despair and fear, for anger, for shame, for arrogance, for love and courage. When it’s hard to bear, it’s essential not to be alone. The group that we form acts as a strong and supportive community.