Study journey to Auschwitz and Krakow

Youth For Understanding (YFU) is an international educational exchange organization. A network of over 50 independent national organizations worldwide, YFU representatives work together to advance learning across cultures. Within each country’s culture, YFU organizations subscribe to and operate under a common set of principles and standards that aim to facilitate cooperation and harmony.

Every year the German Youth for Understanding sends about 1,000 pupils abroad and accepts about 550 young people from other countries to Germany. Since the founding of the German Youth for Understanding  in 1957, around 60,000 young people have spent one school year abroad.

The German Youth for Understanding is an institution dedicated to organizing exchanges for young people between the ages of 15 to 18 years.

With 15 international and 15 German students, they will travel to Oświęcim and Krakow in May, from 17th to 19th. The main purpose of this visit is to give the young people from many different cultures the opportunity to discuss, exchange and learn about the many different perspectives on Auschwitz. Another important aim is for the students to learn about the Holocaust in general and reflect about racism and stereotypes.

Their programme includes a visit to the Museum Auschwitz Birkenau, the town and Synagogue of Oświęcim, and Krakow.