The annual Fr. Stanislaw Musial SJ Award is for contributions to Polish-Jewish and Christian-Jewish reconciliation in two categories: work promoting the spirit of dialogue; initiatives towards reconciliation. The Award is from the Founders – Rector of the Jagiellonian University and the Mayor of Krakow. Award Jury chaired by the Rector of the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Karol Musiol.

The President of the Club ‘Covenant’ of Christians and Jews Prof. Wieslaw Kozub-Ciembroniewicz, the Lord Mayor of Krakow Prof. Jacek Majchrowski, the Rector of the Jagiellonian University Krakow, Prof. Charles Musioł and the Rector of the Ignatianum Academy Krakow, Fr. Prof. Henryk Pietras, SJ invited us to the Fr. Stanislaw Musial SJ Award Ceremony on Thursday 1 March 2012, in the Ignatianum Academy, Kraków.

The Fr Stanislaw Musial SJ Award Recipients 2012

Anna Lebet-Minakowska, curator at the National Museum in Krakow, the author of a series of lectures, “Judaism: To Know is to Understand” – for her creativity in contributing to the intellectual and public understanding of traditions and relations between Jews and Christians.

Ks. dr Manfred Deselaers, a Catholic priest from the Diocese of Aachen, Pastor at the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Auschwitz – for his contributions promoting Christian-Jewish dialogue and work for reconciliation in Polish-Jewish-German relations at the edge of Auschwitz.


The Award in my case is given for “Community Initiatives Promoting Christian-Jewish Dialogue and Work for Reconciliation in Polish-Jewish-German Relations at the Edge of Auschwitz.” It is in a sense an award for the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Auschwitz where I work. I am glad about this.

Fr. Manfred Deselaers