April 23, 2019 - April 26, 2019
Listen to the Voice of Auschwitz -Edith Stein. A Journey to Wroclaw, Auschwitz and Krakow.
A study trip by Dr. Austin in cooperation with KEB (Katholische Erwachsenenbildung im Erzbistum Bamberg e.V.) in cooperation with KEG (Katholischen Erziehergemeinschaft) and the Edith-Stein-Gesellschaft Deutschland e.V..
„Come, let’s go for our people“ are (maybe) the last words Edith Stein said to her sister, when she was arrested by the Gestapo. Two days later, she was murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp on August 9th 1942. These words show how much Edith Stein felt connected to her roots. She is regarded by many people as a bridge builder between the Jewish faith and Christianity.
50 years after the publication of Nostra Aetate, this Declaration of the Second Vatican Council redefined the relationship of the Catholic Church to the Jewish people. Our journey therefore shall follow the footsteps of Edith Stein to her birthplace Wroclaw, and to the place of her death in Auschwitz. A detour leads to Krakow where today there is active Jewish life again.